Friday, September 4, 2009

Preston turns 7 months old!!!...

In the mist of our busy August, Preston turned 7 months old. I do not have my traditional picture with the sign but here are some pictures from his 7 month birthday (and a few before that were so cute that I wanted to share them with you). Six to seven months has been a big change since Preston is now fully crawling and on his 7 month birthday, he crawled over to the couch at Carl's grandparents house and pulled himself right up! He started crawling a little before 6 months and his crawl looked like a butterfly stroke as he would pull himself along the ground. He could move his legs too, but wasn't quite sure how to coordinate them. Even at the beginning of August, he was just started to transition into a more traditional crawl. And a week before he turned 7 months, he was crawling on his hands and knees (or feet, which he usually prefers and many people refer to it looking like a crab, spider, bear or other types of animals). He is gaining speed everyday, which is making my life more interesting and our house seem a little more unsafe each day as I find something new that he is interested in. Our house is far from baby proofed since we are still in the middle of construction on our bedroom, thus our things are spread throughout the house. We have our rooms that are safe and I am hoping that we will be finished and can get out house as safe as possible before he starts walking around! Now days, his favorite thing is to crawl over to anything that he can pull himself up on and he has been trying to pull up with toys in his hands, which he is accomplishing with small toys. He loves to stand and yell...yes, yell with his eyes squinted shut and his mouth open as wide as humanly possible for a 7 month old baby. He also does this funny coughing laugh when he is proud of himself. I need to get a video of it to share. I get a kick out of this. Dallas, our dog, is also one of his favorites. He will chase him around and if Dallas goes out the dog door, Preston will crawl after him as fast as his can and then hang his head and cry. He has been attempting to put his hands through the dog door as well. He has been happier lately that he can pull himself up on our glass door and watch Dallas on the deck. Preston has also been eating some food since he was 6 months. He does not particularly like food (just breast milk) but he seems to like the act of eating. He does not want to be spoon fed things, but if he can pick it up, he is happy and he is always willing to try it if we are eating it off plates. He also loves to stick out his tongue, which he will do when he is excited or he sees a dog. He is still a fabulous sleeper and the easiest baby. He is so happy and laughs all the time. We are so blessed! I was not able to weigh him on this birthday on a baby scale but on the adult scale he was about 19.5 pounds and he as of yesterday he was 20lbs 2 oz. and 28 1/2 inches long. 6 months old ... I thought this was super cute and wanted to share it (they are in our kiddy pool)
Driving to Milton-Freewater (this one is a little blurry but so cute)

He loves to drive

He thought his was great!

Great grandma Fran and Preston (7 months old)

7 months old

7 months and trying to get the camera

Playing with Daddy's hat (7 months old)

1 comment:

Kristen Forbes said...

Oh, how I miss you! Love, Aunt Kristen