Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kelvin is 11 months old!

On July 4, Kelvin turned 11 months old. It is such a joy to watch him growing and developing new skills and more personality. While he had been pulling himself on his tummy to get around, just in the last few days, he is now crawling around and getting faster by the day. He doesn't want to miss a beat with Preston around. He loves swimming and will even let us dunk him underwater. When we sit him on the edge of the pool, he leans over to fall in, so we will catch him. He also loves to play with the Preston's little dive balls and will drop them in and then reach down to grab them, even if it means he has to stick his face in to get them. With his love of water, also comes his love of the bath. Anytime we go toward the bathroom and he is naked, he will shriek with excitement! Kelvin is now waving hi and bye and often sounds like he can almost say both of those words. He signs now for milk, more and all done. He loves to reach out to people and see if they will grab him and then reaches back to me. Kelvin loves to talk and babbles all the time, which we love to hear. He also has an opinion and let's us know it. If we pick him up and he does not want to be picked up, he will arch his head backward and yell. He also yells in protest and then looks at me if Preston will not let him play with something. He also will yell if we do not feed him something we are eating or don't feed him fast enough (especially if we are eating ice cream... he takes after me!), but he seems to love all different foods, even if they are slightly spicy. Although he knows what he wants, he is still pretty easy going most of the time. He has just started walking along the furniture and will walk a little when we hold his hands. He seems like he wants to be big and cannot wait to do everything that his brother does. He loves to shake his head no. The first few times, we said no to him (sternly, like after he bit me nursing) he got his huge frown on his face for about 30 seconds or more and then would start wailing. His frown was so cute that it was hard not to laugh. Now he thinks shaking his head no is very funny, so he will put his mouth on my leg like he might bite, and then looks at me and shakes his head. He is now 23 pounds 4 ounces and 29 2/3 inches long.

 23 pounds 4 ounces