Friday, April 29, 2011


We had a nice Easter. Preston enjoyed riding his tractor around, finding eggs, eating just a bit of candy the Easter Bunny brought and helping make rolls for our Chicken Marsala dinner. The chicken marsala dinner that I made was tasty. My sister joined us as well. Here are our pictures from the day.

Riding on his tractor

He loves peddling it around our house
Trying to get a smile for a family picture

Preston's favorite food to make... homemade rolls

Hunting for Easter eggs

He didn't appreciate that this one was wet in the bird bath

We left Dallas inside but Preston opened the door and wanted Dallas to come out and help sniff out the eggs

Preston looking for eggs and my sister Mandy

Monday, April 25, 2011

Preston's New Bedding

Preston has been sleeping in a crib until just recently, when we have moved him to a twin mattress. So far the mattress is just on the floor. We are having a bed make but it is not complete yet. I decided to design and sew his bedding. I made curtains, a duvet cover and a sham. It has planes, trains and trucks on it and I am excited to decorate his new room when we move into our new house!

His curtains
close up of airplanes



Friday, April 22, 2011

New House ...

We are moving to Milton-Freewater in August and we are going to buy Carl's Dad's house, since he just purchased a new house. He has been moving out into his new house which is allowing us to remodel a little before we move in. We were back in Milton a few weeks ago for 5 days and we got right to work. We are redoing the kitchen so our first project was to demo the kitchen and open up the wall into the living room. We are very excited to have this open great room with a wonderful view with a new kitchen! Carl worked long and hard to rip down drywall, pull up the existing tile (which was extremely hard to get out!), rewire and to cut hole to put in a venting system for our new down-draft range, and pull out the toilet in the bathroom upstairs. I helped with the drywall, pulled up the carpet (and the staples and tack strips) out of the living room and I started ripping down wallpaper in one of the bedrooms. We also had some help from Carl's friends Matt and Jeff. Thanks guys! And Carl's dad, Doug and brother, Rain, helped pull out some of the tile. Thanks!! Here are just a few sneak peak pictures of some of the work that we did. I realized I do not have any before pictures of the kitchen but I will add more pictures soon. We are planning to head back a few more times so that we will have a kitchen and hardwood floors before we move in, in August.
The living room (with beautiful windows)

Dining area (we are removing the mirrors soon too)
Demo on the wall between kitchen and living room
Picture of the kitchen ripped apart
another empty kitchen picture
A corner view of from the windows looking back into the kitchen.