Friday, April 25, 2014

Sullivan is 3 months old!

On April 8, Sullivan turned 3 months old! He weighs 13 lbs 12 oz and is 24 inches long. He is such happy baby and he is starting to laugh now. He smiles all the time and would prefer if I carry him around facing out so he can see the world, especially outside. He is reaching his hands out to grab toys when he is on his tummy. He loves to sit in the Bumbo seat and if I forget to buckle him in the bouncy seat, he will  almost be falling out the bottom after he arches himself around to try to get out. He still wakes up at night, but usually only once (thank goodness). We love this cute little guy!

 I love their smiley gazes at one another! Kelvin and Sully love each other