It's amazing how fast time flies by. Preston turned 5 months old on Tuesday! He is doing new things all the time. He started sitting up in the last few weeks and can sit by himself very well. He has two teeth that are coming through. One is closer to being in and the other one just broke through the gums. He is getting more control over his hands and is facinated at tags or little parts on toys. He will spend so much time trying to grab these tags with his thumb and index finger. He is grabbing for everything. He loves to grab at glasses and he loves to drink water out of them himself.... although he is not so sure about the actual water yet (he just loves the drinking action, since he will drink it and then often spit out the water, but he does swallow it sometimes). He also like his sippy cup. He has still only had breast milk and water but after 6 months, we will start giving him foods. He is growing all the time and he is 18 lbs 2 oz and 27 1/4 inches long!!! He is around the 80th percentile for weight and 90th for length. He is definitely a big, healthy baby boy. He is pushing up on his tummy so and even pulling his knees underneath him. And he still loves to stand while you hold his hands. My house is not ready for a baby that can crawl.... so hopefully his won't happen too fast!! Preston is also quite noisy. He loves to scream and then look around to see if people are looking at him. He is still a great sleeper and sleeps all night in his crib. He is just an easy-going little one.... I don't know that we will be so lucky with the next.. A few weeks ago Preston was in a video for the play All's Well That Ends Well at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. It will be a black and white "home"video of the main character that they will show during the play. And in a few weeks Preston will be the ring bearer in my brother Lucas' and Leslie's wedding. His tux is adorable.... I will share pictures after the wedding.
Sitting up before his bath
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