On March 8, Sullivan turned 2 months old. He weighed 12 lbs 7 oz. and was 22 1/2 inches long. He is a happy baby and loves to smile. He is also very noisy. He likes to coo and make little whiny, yelling noises when he is starting to get upset. He loves to watch his brothers, be outside, his swing and to be held. He is sleeping well. He can now sit in the Bumbo seat and look around and he loves that. He sometimes likes a pacifier and is constantly sucking on his hand, trying to get his thumb in his mouth. Preston and Kelvin love Sully. Preston loves help with him and Kelvin is always hugging and kissing him and says, "hi bee" when ever he sees him.
Smiley guy
Sitting like a big guy
Preston and Kelvin playing outside
Kel entertaining Sully