Last year, we look the boys and cut down our Christmas tree. Since last year, Preston has looked out our windows and said that when the mountain have snow again, we will have to go and get our Christmas tree. So once again, we ventured out in the snow to get our tree and we had a great time. Kelvin rode in the backpack and we pulled Preston on the sled. After finding our tree, Dallas loves to help dig out the snow and then he pulls the tree back to the truck, which is quite helpful! After we loaded our tree, we spent a little time sledding. Despite the cold weather, Preston would have stayed for a lot longer, but everyone else was ready to get in the warm truck!
Sitting in the sled while Dallas wonders around
Lots of snow to play on!
Saying cheese for the camera
It was too difficult to get both boys looking at the camera at the same time.... They were too busy:)
Our family
On the sled
All in the truck and ready for hot chocolate!
In the truck and all tired out!
Decorating our tree at home