Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Kelvin's 1st birthday!

On August 4, Kelvin turned one!!! I can barely believe that he is a year old now. He is starting to play with Preston more and more. He can crawl very quickly and we love watching him go. If Preston lays on the ground, Kelvin crawls right over and climbs on top of him. He also love to snuggle Preston. He will lean in and start sucking his thumb, while he grabs Preston's shirt or shorts. Sometimes Preston will "baby talk" to Kelvin and when Preston starts making babbling noises, Kelvin will perk up, no matter where he is or what his is doing and looks around like he understands that Preston is calling him. Kelvin usually starts jabbering back and crawling to wherever Preston is located. Kelvin likes to reach his arms up in the air, while on his knees and say "up" although it sounds more like "uuhh." He also looks at Dallas and says "daw" and just yesterday, when we were reading a Clifford book, on each page, he pointed to Clifford and said "daw." He also says "Mama" and "Dada." Kelvin can be opinionated and if cannot do something that he would like to do, he throws himself back and yells. He has started making kissing noises and loves to give kisses (especially to his brother). Some of the other things that Kelvin loves are baths (he will lay on his tummy and dip his face in), swimming in the pool, crawling up the stairs, eating sweets (although he will eat any foods), playing peekaboo, listening to Preston and me sing, and reading books. Whenever he reads a book that has flaps that open, he will open it and say "aha." He is such a smiley baby and laughs all the time. There are so many things to love about Kelvin, but one of the things I enjoy the most is that he loves to cuddle and he will hold onto me like a koala bear. Here are some of the pictures of his birthday...

 24 pounds 4 ounces and 30 inches long

 Birthday cake

 Kelvin's birthday cake

 Sitting with the big kids

 Kelvin and cousin Taylor opening gifts

 New John Deere ATV

 Cousin hugs

 Kelvin and Uncle Lucas

 Thanks for the great pics Aunt Leslie!!

 A little overwhelming at first

 But it tastes good!

 Preston loved the frosting too!

 Kelvin and Preston were so different.... Kelvin got right into the frosting and Preston would not even touch it on his first birthday!