Saturday, December 27, 2008


Although we were hoping for a little snow that everyone else in the state has, we unfortunately did not get a white Christmas, but we still had a great time opening presents at Mandy's house and then having Christmas dinner at our house. Boone (my mom's dog), Lucy (Mandy's dog) and Dallas playing with new toys
Lucy always looks so cute inside purses and bags!

Lucas and Leslie

Mandy, Lucas, Leslie, me and Carl

My siblings and myself
Cu's sporting his new hat and scarf

My mom (Linda), Aunt Robin and my grandma

Carl and Dallas (he's happy to be in the picture)

Christmas morning

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we decided to decorate our sugar cookies. We might not be the most talented bunch of cookie decorators, but we had a good time!
Our beautiful cookies!

Lucas and Leslie

Carl and me

Mandy and Leslie

My birthday and Lucas' menorah

Lucas- lighting his menorah as he celebrates multiple religious holidays
Lucas and Leslie- so cute!

Carl amd me on my birthday

Mandy and my mom after a wonderful birthday dinner at Mandy's house

Here I am on my birthday- 9 months pregnant

Baby Shower

Carl and me that evening after our shower.
Megan, Erin, Mandy and me

Brenna, Karen, Kelsee, Aimee, and me

Mandy, me, Aunt Susy, Amy

Although this is long overdue... here are a few pictures of the baby shower at my mom's house that we had on November 22. Thank to all of you for coming and making it such a special day! Also, thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts!